
Friday, 29 July 2016

hui: to gather, assemble, a meeting

E haere ana tātou ki te hui raranga.
We are going to the weaving meeting.

Mā te rangatira o te iwi te hui e tīmata ki te karakia.
The chief of the tribe will begin the meeting with the prayer.

Kei te papa tuatoru te hui ā te ahiahi nei.
The meeting will be held on the third floor this afternoon.

E hui ana a Rama rāua ko Pita ki te pātaka kōrero.

Compare and contrast map

Name & Image of 1st character


Image & Name of 2nd character



Different name
Brown eyes
Brown hair
Likes white

Like music

Different name
Blue eyes
Blond hair
Likes black

Story Map.doc

Story Map
Title:Symphony under the stars
Author: Cynthia Todd Maguire
Characters:Music teacher, Sarah McCracken, prince charles
Setting:Music room
Conflict:The problem was Sarah did a mistake when she was performing to Prince Charles.
Resolution: Sarah started started over again and Prince Charles liked it.

Beginning: When Sarah first started play in music she was bad. But then her mum got her into music school.

Middle: When Sarah kept going to music school and playing a lot of the  violin she got better and better then she started performing at concerts and the she was performing for Prince Charles.

End: Sarah felt happy because she got to play for Prince Charles.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title:Symphony in the stars

Author: Cynthia Todd Maguire

Today I read about Symphony in the stars.

I feel happy about what I read today because the book that red today was about music.

My favourite character was Sarah because she knows how to play the violin.

I would feel happy if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because i would know how to play the violin

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen another girl will come to the music room and learn how to play a musical instrument.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Home work learning

Reading: Read for 10 min right 5 new words that you learnt. Done
Writing: Write a recount of your day on a google document or on a piece of paper.
Maths: Answer: 3,000 teams
Spelling: Copy each spelling words 4 times. Done
Bassoon, cello, bugle, translucent, coils  

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

This morning i woke up and made my bed brushed my teeth had a shower got changed vacuumed my room then i washed the dishes, weeded and water the garden then i went to Pak n
Save with my Nona to get some food for dinner.

In the afternoon when me and my Nona were going back home we were just around the corner from where she lives i saw a white shelf that someone threw away so then i told my Nona and she stopped the van and we both hopped out and took a look at it. My Nona decided to take it. It was really solid and she wanted to hang it outside the front so we could have somewhere to put our muddy shoes but instead we put it in my dad's room so he can put all of his clothes on it. After that i cleaned the  shelf and cleaned my dad's room then i went to my room and read some books.
At the end of my day i helped make dinner, we made butter chicken. And it was spot on then i helped do the dishes and when i was finished doing the dishes i got changed into my pj’s and then i brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Home work learning

Tuesday 12th 2016

Reading: Read for 10 min write down 5 new words that i learnt.Done
Writing: Write a recount of your day on a google document or on a piece of paper.
Maths: Answer:72
Spelling: Done

Meanings of words
Xylophone Answer: Musical instrument striking a row of wooden bars.
Drums: Answer: sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands.
Piano: Answer: a large keyboard musical instrument with a wooden case.
Guitar: Answer: a stringed musical instrument.
Harp: Answer:a musical instrument consisting of a frame supporting a graduated series of parallel strings.
Horn: Answer:a hard permanent outgrowth, often curved and pointed, found in pairs on the heads of cattle.
Saxophone: Answer:metal wind instruments with a reed like that of a clarinet.
Banjo: Answer:a stringed instrument of the guitar family.
Bagpipe: Answer: a musical instrument with reed pipes that are sounded by the pressure of wind emitted from a bag squeezed by the player's arm.
Clarinet: Answer: a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece.

Reading: translucent,contemptible, markedly, abscond, impervious

Writing: This morning i made my bed and got ready to go to the hospital  for my pop. When we got there me my nona and my 2 brothers waited in the car well my pop was still in the hospital

In the afternoon on the way home we went to B.K and got some food for lunch. Then when we got home my non was making dinner well me and 2 brothers were reading our books.

Then we had dinner. When i was finished my dinner i brushed my teeth put my pj’s on and went to bed.

Monday, 11 July 2016

Home work learning

Reading: Read for 10 min right 5 new words that you learnt.
Writing: Write a recount of your day on a google document or on a piece of paper.
Maths: There 8 cups in each row.There are 8 rows of cups how many are there altogether.Answer:72
Spelling: Copy each spelling words 4 times.Done
Bassoon,cello,bugle,translucent and coils  

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

xylophone drum piano guitar harp horn saxophone banjo bagpipe clarinet

Today in the morning i woke up and made my bed brushed my teeth had a shower got changed vacuumed my room then i washed the dishes weeded the garden water’d the garden went to pak n
save with my grandma to get some food for diner.

In the afternoon of my day when me and my grandma were going back home and we were just around the corner from were she lives i saw a white shelf that someone threw away so then i told my grandma and she stopped the van and we both went out of the van and took a look at it.My grandma wanted to take so we did and she wanted because it was really solid and she wanted to hang it out side the front of the door so we could have some were to put our muddy shoes but insted we put it in my dads room so he can put all of cloths in it and on it. After that i cleaned the  shelf and cleaned my dad's room then i went into my room and red some books . And in the end of my day i helped make dinner butter chicken. And it was spot on then i helped do the dishes and when i was finished doing the dishes i got changed into my pj’s and then i brushed my teeth and went to bed.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Reading Response Journal

Reading Response Journal

Title:Boom laka laka

Author: K.E.Anderson

Today I read about ………..Boom laka laka

I feel sad about what I read today because the mums car broke down

My favourite character was the boy because he is funny

I would feel angry if the same thing that happened to my character, happened to me because my car broke down if i had a car and i would know how to drive it.

I think if the author decided to write another part to this story this is what will happen the mums car would brake down again.